The Romer Labs





Aflatoxins and Fumonisins in Corn


  • Treat the testing material as if it was a sample for routine analysis.
  • Determine the level of AFLA and/or FUM and state the obtained results in ppb[µg/kg], as received or corrected for recovery. Please consider that only one result per participant can be accepted.
  • Please submit your results latest November 8th, 2024.
  • After successful result submission, you will receive a confirmation via email. For result evaluation a unique ID code will be assigned to your provided data set in order to provide confidentiality. This code will be sent individually to the participants together with the final report via email. 

Timeline of the survey (CSSMY027-M24411AF)

  • Material available for ordering: September 2024 (item number 10006128)
  • Submission deadline for results: November, 8th 2024
  • Distribution of reports to participants: End of November 2024

Result Submission Form

CSSMY027 - M24411AF 

Your unique laboratory ID will be sent to you together with the final CSS report within the communicated timeframe.